Explore these invaluable, complimentary resources I've curated for you. Carefully selected to support you on your journey toward optimal living, they offer guidance in finding peace and inspiration.
These practices entail engaging with the breath, an intensely personal element of your being. They also encourage inhabiting your body, which might not always evoke a sense of safety or comfort. It's important to honor your own experiences and boundaries. Should you seek personalized guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Practice One: Non-sleep Deep Rest
By learning how to relax through Non-Sleep Deep Rest, you can learn to control the mind through the body, giving you the ability to control stress and anxiety.
Practice Two: Pure Breathing
By learning how to use the Universal Mantra, So’Ham, which means “I am That”, you can create the essential qualities of the a healthy breath: smooth, continuous, even, and quiet. This will efficiently calm the nervous system. smooth, continuous, even, and quiet.
Practice Three: Come Home to Yourself
By learning how to rest your mind and energy into one point at a time you can reclaim your vital essence and feel comfortable and resourced in the present moment. This will help you mind become more focused and bright.
Practice Four: Relax into Greatness
By learning the ancient practice of Yoga Nidra you will be able to systematically relax your body and become familiar with traversing the different states of consciousness: waking, sleeping, dreaming, and the four state. This is a beautiful practice for deepening your meditation practice and preparing for the use of psychedelic medicine.
Practice 5: Meditation for Integration
By mastering the cultivation of life force at the navel center, you enhance your ability to assimilate, effectively digesting mental and emotional material. This meditation is can help integrate psychedelic experiences.